Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ergonomics and Anthropometry Part 1.

1. Compare the two types of setup and state reasons why one of the setup is preferred.

Both of the setups are mostly the same except that one of the setups provides more comfort and convenience for the person. The person would automatically be satisfied with the device.

2. What are the areas of consideration when designing a conducive and comfortable workplace?

The ergonomics, which is the comfort and the safety of the product, and also the anthropometry, which concerns the measurement of the body parts from the human body.

3. State the reasons why these considerations are important.

The person would have an easier life with all these conveniences.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Ageing Challenge: Essential Questions

The BIG Idea: To make a product that is elderly-friendly
  1. What are some of the problems the elderly face?
  2. What specific problem are we focusing on?
  3. What kind of product can help the elderly cope with the problem?
  4. How can we be assured that the elderly will be satisfied with the product?
  5. How can we make the public trust our product?
Top 3 Questions
  1. What specific problem are we focusing on?
  2. What kind of product can help the elderly cope with their problem?
  3. How can we be assured that the elderly will be satisfied with the product?
For question 1- We have to find a problem that we are focusing on so that we know what kind of product we are going to make.
For question 2- We have to know how our product can help the elderly.
For question 3- We have to be assured that the elderly is satisfied with the product. If not, they would not want to use it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad Design

This icon laptop bag/sleeve is an example of a bad design. You can zip open the top and the whole of one side like the picture below.When you zip open the bag fully, we would be afraid that the laptop would just easily fall out of it and you can kiss goodbye to your expensive laptop. That is why I think, and I know you all think, that this bag is not very good.

My solution:
The zip should only open until only half of the side so even though it is not as easy as before, the laptop would not be able to fall out as easily. In my opinion, I think it is easy enough to take out your laptops and that the safety of your laptop comes first.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Solid Figures

These are three of my best sketches for solid figures.

Basic Photography (2) in school

These are some of the pictures that I took for the theme "motion /stationary".

Basic Photography in school

This are some of the images that I used for the theme "perspectives".


1) Laptop Bag

P: It has a special compartment for the laptop, cushion in the bag, waterproof

I: It feels comfortable when I carry it, ensures the safety of my laptop

E: Kappa is one of my favorite brands and I feel happy to have it

S: It looks nice because of the design

2) Something given to you by somebody older(Clothes)

P: Sometimes it looks nice, sometimes not

I: It feels funny when I wear it

E: Wearing the clothes reminds me when they wore it

S: I only wear them at home as I feel embarrassed when I go out wearing them

3) Taking an MRT ride

P: It is always packed like sardines in the MRT during peak hours


E: I feel uncomfortable when people stand close to me

S: I give up my seat to those who need it

4) Watching a documentary/movie

P: I usually watch movies at Lot 1, near my house


E: I feel different according to the story

S: I like to watch movies with my friends or my family

Week 3: Understanding ‘Research’ (part 2)

Singapore is a small country with no natural source of water except for rainfall, so we have to import more water from our neighbor, Malaysia. But now, Singapore has made NEWater is a brand name given to reclaimed water. Basically, it is treated waste water that has been purified using technology. With it, Singapore has closed the water loop. NEWater can be used for some factory work and if mixed with reservoir water, it can be used for drinking.

Week 3: Understanding ‘Research’ (part 1)

To me, research means finding for information using sources such as the internet or simple things such as brochures on anything. Research is important as we need to find out further information on something. We can conduct good research by checking that the research we got was true by searching in other sources. We must also write down what we understand and not copy word-for-word from the sources.

Sketch the Stationery

I had drawn a picture of my Pilot mechanical pencil for the ADMT assignment.

ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection

1) To me, ADMT means to generate ideas about how to improve the use of technology to help people in their daily lives.

2) ADMT is important as we can think of ways to further improve how we do things in our lives by using our creativity.

3) The skills that I want to learn in ADMT is how to showcase my creativity with confidence.

4) The picture above shows how a taxi would look like without technology.